
Tyrol Ski & Mountain Club

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Newsletter October 2022

 Tyrol Ski & Mountain Club     

Hello Members and friends!
Work Weekend
Town Hall Meeting + DraftsAGM
Reminder + DraftsBOD Positions
Annual Dues
In Closing
Work Weekend

This weekend is the workweek end.  Come for the weekend, or come for a day.  Come and catch up with some old friends and make some new ones. Schedules have been tight and we are not going to cater the whole weekend, so you are going to have to look after your own breakfast(s).  Club will do lunch and dinner on Saturday with leftovers on Sunday until it is gone.  Here is the 
MENU for the weekend and it looks GOOD!  Note: Pete our head chef for the weekend has asked for people to bring an assortment of sweets / desserts to share – potluck style.

It looks like it is going to be cold and wet, so bring warm cloths and rain gear, though most of the work will be in side, we’ll end up outside for sure. Bring any hand tools you might need and don’t forget gloves and a good attitude.  Don’t bring pets.  Pets are not allowed on the property.

Town Hall Meeting + Drafts
We are working to update the website and some of the information therein, some of the changes you find here, may not be on the website for a couple of weeks.  The information herein and attached will supersede the information on the website.  
Town Hall Meeting
Pre-AGM Townhall Meeting will be held by Zoom, at this link, 7:30 – 9:30 pm, 02 November 2022.  It will be informal.  Come with your questions about club related things.   To get you started the following are some links that are also relevant for the AGM (see below)TSMC 2022 AGM Agenda – Draft Oct 2022.pdfUpdated 5 Year Plan Summary Oct 2022.pdfConsolidated Bylaws – Proposal with summary explanations.pdfCurrent Bylaws.pdf5 Year Budget Projection – updated 17 Oct 2022.xlsxThere is a TON of information herein.  Please come prepared, aware, respectful and patient.  If you take the time to make your way through all of the 5 Year Budget Projection sheet, I think you’ll be impressed and happy at the “State of the Union”.    

AGM Reminder
The AGM will be held by zoom, and we expect to have Draft Agenda for AGM and all other materials  completed to be sent on our around 15 October 2022.  The 2023 AGM was set at last year’s AGM as 16 November 2022 .  For those interested in last year’s meeting minutes (previously circulated) they can be found here.  Remember you need to pay for your fees and any pre-booked / Lottery rooms to participate in the AGM.  Please make the effort to thoroughly go through the linked documents, there is much important information therein.

WhatsApp Chats
Any members interested in joining the informal and hopefully helpful chats below, please follow the links below.  These are a way to share information amongst members.  Tyrol Q&A
https://chat.whatsapp.com/JtRXvqDhPWLLGVWAFWzt0FTyrol Saturday Ski Team
 https://chat.whatsapp.com/CGO5muk8B8q6NOs9GxvTswTyrol Sunday Ski Team
https://chat.whatsapp.com/HcGGDrOZLstLyUZruuhlMHBOD Positions
Great news.  We’ve a few members who’s opted to stand for the BOD as follows, though we would all be better served if we could find great people like you to fill the following positions are currently vacant, and we’d be well served to have some more diversity on our board.Membership Director-at-LargeCommunicationsThe following have opted to stand or are currently serving:Vice President – Paul GodfreyTreasurer – Dave SiddleSecretary – Dragos VasilescueOperations – Barry MorganSports & Social – Andy JohnsonPlease send your expressions of interest for nomination for the position of director by email to secretary@tyrolskiclub.com by TODAY October 26th (ie. 21 days in advance of the AGM on November 16th as after that nominations will close).  This is part of our club’s democracy, be a part of it 😊, not apart from it ☹️.  Note, every member who puts forth their name for nomination must also file a written statement and submit it to the Board not later than 7 days prior to the start of the election, failing which their name will be removed from the ballot.
 IN CLOSING I feel confident we are going to have another successful and exciting year in 2023 and moreover I feel quite confident our active and engaged membership is going to be able to continue forward to keep us on a good path to our club’s 100th Anniversary and beyond.  
It is my hope that we can slowdown some of the heavy lifting for 2023 let the dust settle a bit.  I feel we need to give this club / community model we’ve built over the last few years, some time to work through a few cycles before we start re-jigging.  Beyond that I’m hoping that this year’d BOD and committees will be able to meet only every 2 months rather than each month, so we can each participate in some committees and our family and personal lives…  remember this is a sports and social club, not a high pressure fortune 500 company.  Lets commit to more time having fun, skiing, riding, climbing, playing and doing social things.  

On behalf (except for the typos, bad grammar and poor planning) of the whole BOD, thanks for making it this far.

Try to have some fun today (and tomorrow…) and this weekend.

Kind Regards,

Morgan Goldie